Wow. It's been almost an entire year since I posted something. I almost forgot I even had a blog. Most of you probably didn't know I had one to begin with. That's okay, though. The past is the past. It's time to look ahead. Spring is in the air, and that means it's time for all things NEW.
Let's see...what's new in my world?
When I wrote my last post, I lived in Virginia. I now live in Colorado. I had just turned 30, and in about 9 days I will be turning 31. (Yikes. I still feel 21 sometimes.) I still have two kids (thank goodness THAT hasn't changed), and my husband still works at Starbucks. I left my full-time job in VA, so having to live off one income is a change since my last post. Of course that makes "cheap or free" dearer to my heart than ever.
So hopefully all these things will add up to a little new life and inspiration for this blog. I am ready to start finding some great deals and freebies along with some priceless life lessons and sharing them with you once again!